Belated Honeymoon Part 5: Mexican Riviera Cruise (Puerto Vallerta)

After the heat and humidity of Cabo and Matzatlan, we were a little tired and actually wishing that we hadn’t signed up for the last excursion. We weren’t even sure what the excursion was about  – the description had been a little vague: a community tour of local artisans. 

Belated Honeymoon Part 4: Mexican Riviera Cruise (Mazatlan)

We were met by a trio of young women dressed in chef’s hats and aprons, who welcomed us by handing us each a margarita (at 9AM in the morning!) and guiding us to one of a roomful of tables set for eight. This was a large group – around 80-90 people – so apparently we weren’t the only ones who thought learning salsa (both the culinary and dance versions) would be fun.