Pan Seared Pacific Salmon with an Orange Juice and Grande Marnier reduction on a bed of Baby Arugula.

This is the first of my culinary experiments. When I was at the market, (I usually shop at Whole Foods on NE Sandy and 43rd), I found the most beautiful piece of Pacific Salmon I had seen in a while. The color was perfect and there were few bones in it. I believe I pulled out a total of 6 bones in all and it was big enough for two generous portions. Whole Foods always carries a very high quality product and their staff is  friendly and more than willing to help.

Once home I carefully sliced the skin off with a fillet knife. I know some say that the skin adds flavor, but my preference is with the skin off. You prepare yours as you see fit. Once it was skinned I rinsed the salmon in cold water and then patted it dry with a paper towel. I made a mixture of 1 teaspoon each of salt, pepper, cumin and curry. Working on a cutting board covered in plastic wrap rubbed the spice mixture into the Salmon on both sides. I then let it rest for a few minutes while I heated up 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of peanut oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. You want the oil to be very hot without it discoloring.

While the oil is heating up mix a ¾ cup of orange juice and ¼ Grande Marnier liqueur. Once the oil is hot, carefully place the salmon steak in the skillet, sear on one side for 1 minute and then sear the other side. At the end of the second minute turn your burner down to medium low, add the orange liqueur mixture, a couple of pinches of crushed red pepper and cover. Let the Salmon cook this way for about six to 9 minutes depending on the thickness of the steak.

While the salmon is cooking, arrange a bed of baby arugula on a dinner plate. I like arugula because of it sharpness. I love Arugla – the hint of sharp bitterness adds to many a dish. Once the salmon is cooked through remove the salmon from the skillet and let it rest on the cutting board (You did remove the plastic wrap didn’t you?), retaining the liquid. Turn up your heat and boil the liquid until it is reduced by half. It should be the consistency of syrup.

Place the salmon on the bed of baby arugula and drizzle the orange liqueur reduction over the top.

This pairs very nicely with a TeSóAria Viognier.

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